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Probate Attorney Services

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What is Probate?

Probate is a process of determining heirs, either with a Will or without and qualifying someone who can collect assets, pay debts, and distribute the inheritance. In short, the process of wrapping up a person’s legacy once they are gone.

When there is a Will, the Will is presented to the Court to be validated. A Will is nothing more than a piece of paper until a judge says otherwise. Once validated, the person named as Executor can take the necessary steps to administer the estate. When there is no Will, the heirs must be determined by the laws of the state. A person may still be named to administer the estate once the heirs are known.

Probate Process Graphics

There are several different ways to handle an estate in probate. A skilled, experienced attorney will be able to help you determine the process that best suits your needs. 




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Estate Planning Resources


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What is Probate?

3 Minute Video

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